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Writer's pictureoldmanwith

So what is this site actually about?

Updated: Nov 15, 2021

It’s about DIY (do it yourself) It's about help and encouragement It’s now also about ebikes (a Brompton and a Trek Rail 7) and all the stuff that goes with them

Encouragement to take a step and try something that you might think is a bit scary or only for others with skills and expertise. It's about help and advice along the way.

It's about creating things without "educated learning" in other words without going on a course or doing some kind of structured training.

It's about me doing exactly the above with my website and YouTube channel. Building both from scratch again without being a trained web page designer, video maker or editor.

It's about taking you on my journey to show you how I've done things so that you can understand what I've done, why I've done it and how I reached those decisions.

It's about me sharing some of my DIY projects to show you what YOU could do, again without necessarily having spent a lifetime doing it.

And it's about doing it without spending more than you absolutely have to

So what about the bikes then?

Well having discovered that I quite enjoy doing the YouTube stuff I thought I’d do some videos on the Brompton Electric that I purchased and talk about my thoughts on it and some issues I’d had with it. That progressed on to buying another Ebike (the Trek Rail 7) and so the information on the YouTube videos will filter across and develop on here as well.

It's not about fame or fortune

There are people on the internet making huge amounts of money in many different ways, I can't see me ever being one of them and frankly I'm not that interested in it. There's a note at the bottom of this post about making money, read it when you get there. I'm more interested in exploring how possible it is to achieve any form of online success using little money but a good amount of effort. I count success as managing to interest people in the website or the YouTube channel enough to convince them they should subscribe and follow my journey in either or both places.

I do understand some of the logic behind what makes an online presence financially lucrative but because I'm not under pressure to make money I can take a relaxed approach to trying some of the methods that people say are effective and see if they work in any way.

As a quick update on this at around a year in for those of you thinking of a career as an online presence, I’ve thus far made back around 4% of what I’ve spent on cameras, website hosting, mics and all the good stuff that one feels one has to have to “create good content”…..

It's not about money (although that does help)

While I'm not under financial pressure to make money in this endeavour (I don't need to pay the rent or support my family from it), it does cost money to do this stuff and I have a budget of zero which is already massively overspent.... Because of this you'll see that in my tool reviews and some other areas there are links to Amazon to buy those things. The potential is that if people (you) click on these links and buy something I will eventually start to earn a little money from Amazon in what is effectively advertising revenue. The same applies to YouTube and also if you can reach a point where your YouTube channel becomes popular enough you can earn some money from that also. At the time of writing this I haven't reached that point in either platform and if / when I do it will get put back into running and developing the sites. And again as an update at just over a year in I’ve not got enough subscribers on YouTube to earn any money but I’ve had some revenue from Amazon.

The important thing to know however is that it costs you nothing to click the Amazon links or watch the YouTube videos so I and all the other "content creators" are grateful if you use our links and watch our content.

Ok, enough said, please enjoy the site!

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