A comment came up on the YouTube channel today against the video of the Silverline angle finder. Gus made the completely correct point that it is no good for measuring on a short length of skirting because of the leg length. Here I'll try and give a solution to that.
The issue Gus mentioned was that if you had one or two short lengths of skirting (baseboard) the angle finder wouldn't go up flush against the wall as shown below.

You could do something technical like taking measurements as shown below and making sure the legs are parallel to the wall but that's a lot of messing about and margin for error

So an approach I've used in a similar situation is to get a couple of pieces of timber or board, they can be different dimensions but they must be parallel end to end. You then use them to place against the walls and measure the angle from the "mirrored" side as shown below.

Hope that helps!!!